Scrolling Single Page Template

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Jun 20, 2019

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A slide should have then a div called slide_contents inside, which holds all the actual contents. Usually this div would also have the class animated_contents, for a nice animation upon scrolling to it. This template is perfect for websites with low content and modern design.

Introducing a Scrolling Single Page Template for Websites with Low Content

Are you looking to create a modern and eye-catching website, but have limited content to work with? Our Scrolling Single Page Template is the perfect solution for you! With this template, you can easily create a single page with scrolling content, the perfect layout for a website with low content.

We offer an easy-to-use template that you can find in the index.html, which comes in the project files, for easy copy and paste. The markup structure starts with a div of the class layout and slots in as many slides as you like. Each slide will occupy the full size of the window and can have the class slide, or if you want to start a multi-slide with multiple horizontal slides, use the class multislide_container instead.

Every slide should contain a slide_contents div which holds the actual contents. This div should also have the class animated_contents for a nice animation effect upon scrolling to it. You can change the colors, alignments, and content as you prefer, and use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to tweak the design to your exact specifications.

With our Scrolling Single Page Template, you can create a stylish and modern website with minimal effort and even less content. We offer an easy-to-follow guide PDF to help you make the most of the template and create a stunning website.


  • Single page

  • All scrolling

  • Fullscreen slides

  • Colors, alignments and content easily changed

  • Slides with multiple sub slides, horizontally

  • Animations that trigger upon scrolling down to the content

Our Scrolling Single Page Template is the perfect solution for websites with low content. Try it today and create a sleek and modern website in no time!

Scrolling Single Page Template This project is a layout / template for a single page with scrolling content. The markup structure starts with a div of the class layout. Every slide occupies the full size of the window. Every slide has the class slide, if you want to start a multi-slide (multiple horizontal slides) use the class multislide_container, instead.

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  • 📁 Scrolling Single Page Template

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Reseñas y Calificaciones
Sep 28, 2019
Seems simple but easy to extend and cheap.
ratingsratingsratingsratings ratings
Nov 4, 2019
This snippet is exteremly helpful. I just added to my code and saved some time. Thank you :)
ratingsratingsratingsratings ratings
Nov 6, 2019
Very easy to use and cool design. The responsive version is much better than any free scroller plugin
ratingsratingsratingsratings ratings
Nov 9, 2019
this saved my front-end life
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